After finally digesting two lovely Thanksgiving meals, we have finally found out what Boost Mobile is offering for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Update November 23, 2014:. Virgin Mobile has cut prices, already, while Boost Mobile has added a lot more data.
We were wondering why the Virgin Mobile deals seems better until we saw that Boost is offering a $60 account credit for new customers. If you are currently not a Boost Mobile customer these deals are better. It started on Thursday, Boost Mobile is offering up to $60 in account credits, about a month of free service for switching to Boost Mobile switching to Boost Mobile until Monday December 2, which makes many smartphones seem cheaper. There are also exclusive coupon codes for some phones to check out.
Black Friday through Sunday Deals from Boost Mobile 
Kyocera Hydro (3G) - is reduced to $59.9 $20 savings.
BlackBerry Curve9310 (3G)- is going for $59.99 or 20 Savings.
$25 off tthe Samsung Galaxy Rush with promo code BFRUSH25.
Boost Warp 4G Get $40 Off the Boost Warp 4G For a Limted Time Only at! (4G LTE)-$159.99 $40 savings.
HTC One SV (4G LTE)- Black Friday Price: $219.99 which is $60 savings.
Samsung Galaxy S III (4G LTE)is $339.99 $60 off or$60 savings.
LG Optimus F7 (4G LTE)-get an additional $40 with promo code BFF740 online, for $100 off total, this coupon codes ends Cyber Monday.
You can also get 30% off the pre-owned Samsung Array or 30% off pre-owned Samsung Galaxy SIII .
Boost Mobile
Cyber Monday Deals
These deals are not live, yet. Return to the links after 10:01 pm December 1. As usual the night owls and early birds get to the deals first.
$40 off the BlackBerry Curve 9310 BlackBerry Curve 9310,
$50 off the Samsung Galaxy Rush - that's $25 more off than Black Friday.
$50 off the Kyocera Hydro EDGE - this rugged smartphone that protects against water, is very helpful to those who work in rainy weather or parents of small children.
Get $100 off the HTC One SV,
$100 off the Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G through December 2, only.
Boost smartphones come with its no-contract Monthly Unlimited plans with Shrinking Payments. After every six on-time payments, your monthly payment shrinks by $5 a month, up to a maximum $15, making the $55 Monthly Unlimited plan, which includes unlimited talk, text and data, available for as low as $40/month.
Boost Mobile uses the Sprint network.