Best Kid Tablet Deal with Parental Controls: Kindle Fire HD/HDX?

AFreeTimemazon and its Kindle family of tablets are very family oriented.  Kindle devices were the first to launch with parental control software and a special login for kids with FreeTime.  Amazon Kindle Fire, Kindle Paper, Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire HDX are priced way below other tablets because Amazon makes most of its money from the shopping and products parents buy on the tablets. Amazon seldom discounts Kindle and Kindle Fire tablets however today they are cutting prices on some models by 20%.Amazon also announced new features that give parents more control how their kids use Kindle tablets and FreeTime.  New tools let parents set educational goals to be met before kids can watch videos or play games as well as times for no access at all.

Today, is being called green Monday and Amazon is offering 20% off  Kindle and Kindle Fire (HD/HDX/)deals until midnight tonight (PT). You have your choice  Kindle, starting at $56; Kindle Fire HD 16GB ($136) or Kindle Fire HDX 16GB Wi-Fi, with  "Mayday" button from $184.

The Kindle Fire tablets have unique ecosytem that is designed more like magazines and is the second most recognizable tablet brand.

Parents can also buy FreeTime Unlimited service for $2.99 if they are Prime members or $4.99 if they are not Prime members.

Amazon updated its Kindle FreeTime on Kindle Fire with new features  for parents and kids

New features are:

  • 'Learn First' to make sure that  learning comes before play.
  • Subscribers to FreeTime Unlimited have access to thousands of new educational books, apps, games and videos.
  • Educational Goals- Parents can now set more goals for their kids and make sure that they reach them before the kids can play games or watch videos.
  • FreeTime Unlimited content is categorized as education or entertainment.
  • New Hours for Time Limits - you can set "Bed time" to disable access during sleeping hours, and weekend and weekday time limits.
  • In the future, parents will be able to borrow a Kindle book from a participating  library, and make it available to their kids in FreeTime. Also Prime members with access to Kindle Owners' Lending Library will be able to add their borrowed books to FreeTime.

FreeTime UnlimitedBest Kid Tablet Deal with Parental Controls: Kindle Fire HD/HDX? is for kids ages 3-8. Over half the content in FreeTime UnlimitedBest Kid Tablet Deal with Parental Controls: Kindle Fire HD/HDX? is educational and includes apps such as Team Umizoomi Math, Super Why!, Stack the States, Curious George at the Zoo, Elmo Loves 123's, Write the Alphabet, Kids Learn To Read and more, BrainPOP and Agnitus. - Beginning video learning for Spanish, French, Chinese and more from Little Pim.