comScore released its latest mobile reports. Android once again was the top mobile platform while Apple with its iPhone was the top smartphone maker in the United States. For mobile shopping retailers with apps are making lots of mobile sales.Android was the top smartphone platform in October with 52.2% market share (up 0.4%), followed by Apple's iPhone iOS with 40.6% (up 0.2%), BlackBerry 3.6%, Microsoft with 3.2 % (up 0.2 %) and Symbian with 0.2 percent.
149.2 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (62.5% mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in October, up 4.1 percent since July.
Apple ranked as the top OEM with 40.6 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers (up 0.2% from July). Samsung ranked second with 25.4 percent market share (up 1.3%), while Motorola made the leap to third with 7 percent (up 0.1%). HTC and LG followed with 6.7 percent and 6.6 percent, respectively.
comScore also reported on mobile commerce. In September 2013 approximately one-third of consumers are visiting the top digital retail brands exclusively via mobile platforms. Amazon, eBay and Apple sales rule the app realm while other retailer rely on mobile web because the app “real estate” is a limited commodity, as is a mobile device’s storage capabilities.
Other retailers are a forced to rely on mobile websites, which may not be optimized to the shopping and check-out experience, such as storing log-in and payment information.
"As m-commerce continues to grow, it will only become more critical for retailers to ensure they are part of the consideration set on people’s mobile phones. And that means getting consumers to download and use their app.