AT&T Connect Car hackathon apps winners announced Windows Phone, Mojiio, women and Volvo big winners

attdevAT&T brought a lot of hackers connected car tech providers and ideas together in Las Vegas prior to Super Mobility Week. The apps and demonstration had to be completed in 48 hours which lead to a Nerf battle in the middle of the night. There were 200 developers, 47 teams, 41 sponsors and more than 300 attendees and  $100,000 in prizes.

The hackathon focused on connected cars and home automation. One top winning team developed an app to help with distracted driving, phone calls while driving, it lets the driver ignore wireless calls while people calling are alerted to where the driver is by ringback tone.  For example the driver puts in his/her Windows Phone a route to the soccer game while on the road a caller gets the ring tone "Driver is on his way to soccer game and is I5 exit 43 at Atwater."

The home safety winner,  reacts to high levels of carbon monoxide. The venue was called electric as developers and technology providers came together code it all in less  than 48 hours.

Many of the winning apps work with the Mojio OBDII device that uses an open source system. There is one app that will actually control the car if the parent does not return when warned that a child is left in the child seat. Another app creates a caravan of Volvos where only the first car has to do the real driving.

Full details of the winners are available at AUTO Connected Car. Much of the event appeared on Twitter at #ATTHack and the CTIA blog. Here are the connected car winners with one that includes both the car and home.

  • Geotrack Ringback
  • Proximity Alert
  • RideSafe
  • Car Bon
  • Caravan l
  • RumbleStrip
  • Otto
  • Trip Narrator
  • Connected Baby Child Seat
  • MyCar's On?
  • Car Watcher
  • Pick up and Go

  Another big automotive developer program at Super Mobility week was the Ford App Challenge