RIM BlackBerry to Be HSPA 3.5G

RIM is developing a HSDPA enabled BlackBerry, confirmed in a Financial Times interview when the paper queried  CEO  Mike Lazaridis. "One of our prototypes - a 3.5G BlackBerry. It's very fast over third-generation networks that have HSDPA," said Lazadaris....

WiMAX Threatens Satelite, Says SUIRG

According to tests by Florida-based Satellite Users Interference Reduction Group (SUIRG), the radio frequencies WiMAX uses will interfere with satellite communications in some of the very locations where it could bring the most benefit.The test results showe dthat WiMAX antennas...

Intel to Add $2 Billion to Sprint/Clearwire WiMAX

The Street reported that Intel is considering investing $2 Billion dollars to allow for the implementation of WiMAX and a formation of a new company combining Sprint and Clearwire spectrum.  A deal will be announced in the next few days....

NextPhase WiMAX Gets Nationwide 3.65 Spectrum License from FCC

NextPhase Wireless , a nationwide developer of WiMAX-ready networks and provider of advanced wireless broadband solutions, announced that they have received confirmation from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that their application for a nationwide license to provide WiMAX wireless services...

Sprint Partners with Many for WiMAX Xohm

Sprint announced Xohm mobile Internet business agreements involving web portal services and WiMAX network access devices. The company also named an advertising agency of record to help launch the Xohm brand in the United States. A soft launch of Xohm...