Cyber Age Chimp Albert Joins Facebook Invites Friends

A 20-year-old male chimpanzee named Albert was the first ape to join Facebook, the largest online social network. Soon after Albert joined, three other chimps named Mr. Jones, Sheena, and Britney followed. Scientists from The University of Northern Oregon have...

Tell Your BlackBerry What to Do with Voice Commands Free from Vlingo

Vlingo Corporation today debuted a new application for BlackBerry smartphones from Research In Motion (RIM) , offering a complete voice-powered interface based entirely on vlingo’sspeech recognition technology. Available free-of-charge, vlingo’s BlackBerry application lets users send emails and text messages, search...

Apps Helping Vision Impaired Availble from AT&T

AT&T Inc. announced two new applications that will increase usability for wireless customers who are blind or have low vision. AT&T is partnering with Code Factory to offer Mobile Speak and Mobile Magnifier, both for Windows Mobile and Symbian Series...