Nexus 4 Pure Google Typing 4 Samsung Galaxy S 3/4 HTC One

Touchscreen keyboards  are subjective, some you like, some you don't.  If you love the pure Google keyboard on the Nexus 4, you can download if from the the Google Play Store for free and use it on your Samsung Glaxy S 3/4 , HTC One or other Android 4.0 or later device.

Some manufacturers use their own keyboard, this app gives you the Google Keyboard. Some users have noted that is smaller than the keyboards installed on their Android smartphones.

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Best Cheapest, Phone, iPad Android Tax 2012 Apps with Free E-File

Whoa look up at the calendar, taxes are due next Monday, April 15 and you better get your apps ready. Most software is free, the filing of federal or sate taxes may cost you. We've found the cheapest filing fees for you.

We've used many of the products in different versions.  The newest app that seems promising is TaxACT's DocVault, to help you keep track of your documents before you complete your tax preparation. All of the tax apps come with support, audit support and highest refund guarantees.

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Walmart iPhone Deals Check Out Apps 4 Speed

Scan @ Walmart

Scan @ WalmartWe know that Walmart has been offering deals on smartphones and even discounting the iPhone, now they are starting a program where customers can use their iPhones to check out and pay at self-service lanes.

Walmart touts it as a faster way to shop and save by scanning items with iPhones and putting them in bags in the cart while shopping.

Over half of Walmart shoppers use smartphones, the new service "Scan & Go" is designed to get shoppers through the self-service line quickly.

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