Best Smartphones Review of Reviews: Consumer Reports-Samsung Galaxy S 4/Note III, LG G2, Droid Maxx Best iPhone5s - Nexus 5

Top Ten Best Smartphones

Top Ten Best SmartphonesFor the last week of 2013, we'll be reviewing all the reviews this year for the best smartphones of the year from different sources.  We are trying to discover "What are the top best coolest hottest smartphones of 2013."

Today, we look at Consumer Reports.  When we first started this feature, Consumer Reports, was not at the bleeding edge of the topic like tech reviewers.  Now that smartphones are mainstream, Consumer reports has improved greatly and also survey their readers to see what they thought of their carriers.

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Review: Dura-Seal ABX Corporation Oil Stop Leak Doesn't Stop Leaks: Don't Buy

cartalkstopoileakWriting about technology for over twenty years and scams several times in my career as a writer, I thought that I could not be duped by an Internet scam.  I remember interviewing people who said if something sounded too good to be true, then it can't be true. But, I really wanted to believe that a product could stop oil leaks.

While surfing the Internet for solutions to an oil leak on my 1996 Geo Prizm, on the Car Talk website, I saw an ad for a product called Dura-Seal.  I clicked on the ad to show a lot of information with a 100% a satisfaction guarantee. When I searched "Dura-Seal oil leak repair does it work?" The results showed no problems, at the time...

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