Do You Really Need an iPhone 5S/5/4/4S or Android or Find Cheapest Prepaid Cell Phone Deals?

bestdealspart1Recent reports show that smartphone marketshare in the United States is 62.5% with Apple's iPhone in the lead. Those other 37.5%  remaining may be wondering if they really need an iPhone or smartphone at all.

The biggest barrier to buying a smartphone for many of the people, I have interviewed is the monthly price. If you get a plan from a major carrier such as AT&T or Verizon, you can expect to pay close to $100 a month for a plan.  You can get better deals from T-Mobile, but you will have to pay for the smartphone or iPhone upfront or in installments.

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Best Cyber Monday Deals-Samsung Galaxy S III (Virgin), Best Buy, Boost, LG G2 (free) & $50 Coupon

BlackFridayThursCyberMondaysales2013We've been looking for the best Cyber Monday-Week deals for our readers and if you want to switch to prepaid or get a new smartphone or tablet we found some excellent bargains from Best Buy, Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile, Verizon Wireless and AT&T.

 Update November 23, 2014:The incredible Samsung Galaxy S5 for $1 deal is now live at Best Buy for Black Friday 2014. iPad Air 2 deals are coming and we suspect that will sell out quickly. T-Mobile started its deals. Virgin Mobile has cut prices, already. Verizon deals are on the horizon. AT&T has not announced its daily deals. However, Sprint has some new deals ready

Virgin Mobile is still running it's BFD (Black Friday Deal) today with 50% of some of its best smartphones such as Save 50% Off the Virgin Mobile Supreme - for $149.99 . Cyber Monday  deals started today, Sunday with great deals on HTC Desire ($179.99), Virgin Awe ($49.99) and Samsung Galaxy  III 4G ($249.99) through Tuesday at 7:00 am EST.  We checked today at Virgin Mobile and the iPhone 5 is 20% off and there are even more deals from Virgin Mobile.

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Boost Mobile Black Friday, Sat, Sun & Cyber Monday Deals: Free Month, Samsung Galaxy Rush/S III/Boost

BlackFridayThursCyberMondaysales2013After finally digesting two lovely Thanksgiving meals, we have finally found out what Boost Mobile is offering for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

 Update November 23, 2014:. Virgin Mobile has  cut prices, already, while Boost Mobile has added a lot more data.

We were wondering why the Virgin Mobile deals seems better until we saw that Boost is offering a $60 account credit for new customers. If you are currently not a Boost Mobile customer these deals are better. 

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