Cheap HP TouchPad Sales to Employees Costly- Will There Be Any Left?

Employee TouchPad Sale

Employee TouchPad SaleThe debacle caused by cheap HP TouchPad sale continues.   Employees at HP,  instead of working, yesterday,  spent most of the day trying to buy TouchPads to no avail due to a technical glitch.  Today, they will try to buy the $99 and $149 9.7" tablets again,  depleting stock.

An HP employee wrote us telling us that work productivity was way down yesterday at HP due to employees trying until 3:00pm to buy HP TouchPads (see his story at the end of this.)

HP employees received an email today asking them not to call the call center but to keep trying the special websale link and refreshing the cache.  If employees get through to the order process but fail  to get a confirmation page, they are requested not to hit the submit button again.  The order was most likely received and can be verified on the order status page.  The issues were technical.

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Dare2Compare: HP TouchPad vs Amazon Kindle Fire vs iPad - What Fire Sale Wins?

Kindle Fire

Kindle FireThe new Amazon Kindle Fire Android tablet eReader announced today is being called the iPad killer with fewer features than the iPad 2 but less than half the price. How does it compare the tablet bargain of all time the HP TouchPad? Amazon is taking preorders for the Kindle Fire, right now with a release date November 15.

We suspect Amazon  may sell-out of the Kindle Fire over the holidays because other Kindle readers achieved that status.  Some analysts have concluded the reason why the Kindle Fire is an iPad killer is "It's the price, stupid."

The best features of the  Kindle Fire are the dual-core processor, free Amazon Cloud storage, cloud accelerated mobile browser and of course the $199 price.

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HP CEO Whitman HP TouchPad Lesson - More Cheap Tablets for HP?

HP TouchPad

HP TouchPadMeg Whtiman's new job of CEO at HP may not mean a resurrection of the HP TouchPad or webOS.   Bringing in the former CEO of eBay didn't help HP stock prices, which fell today to lowest price since 2005.  We don't know if it will help HP TouchPad buyers, either.

The former CEO of HP, Leo Apotheker will reportedly receive a cash severance of at least $7.2 million.

While millions of dollars are passing through the hands of HP executives consumers are still  asking "How do I get an HP TouchPad for 99?"

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HP Changes CEO: Meg Whitman Leads HP & HP TouchPad Buyers Will Know Soon?

Meg Whitman TouchPad

Meg Whitman TouchPadThe rumors were right, yesterday, Meg Whitman has been named President and chief executive officer of Hewlett Packard.  Ray Lane, who served as  chairman is now executive chairman and participated in a conference call today.

Yesterday, we were wondering what it would happen when Whitman became leader of HP. Although investors will be watching her leadership and are asking questions during a conference call, our readers want to know, "How do I get an HP TouchPad for $99?

"The only thing that will deliver results to the company is confidence, which we will restore," Whitman said during an investors conference call today.

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HP News: Leo Out eBay's Meg in? Will HP TouchPad Come Back?

Palm webOS

Palm webOSHP appears to be awash in rumors with many changes afoot.   Bloomberg reported that the HP board may oust CEO Leo Apotheker for former eBay CEO Meg Whitman as a successor or interim replacement.

The board is also considering selling the HP PC division. Unfortunately, the board decisions do not help HP TouchPad buyers get a super-cheap HP TouchPad 16GB for $99, the hottest selling tablet in the history of bargains, with a number two ranking in SocialNuggets Tablet Index.

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