Free Data, Samsung Galaxy S III, Nexus, Droid Fighter, iPhone, HTC One X for Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile?

Wireless and Mobile News April 1 Edition

Wireless and Mobile News April 1 EditionThere has been a huge shake-up in the entire wireless industry, today, April 1.

The public is finally getting what it has asked for -  free unlimited data, no early termination fees,  six-month upgrade cycle and more by Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile.

An unreliable source told Wimonews, "The carriers felt guilty making so much money and decided to pay back their customers."

"I'm thrilled with the unlimited data," said April Foolishini, "But what is was even more exciting is that I had my choice of a free Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy S III , Droid RAZR MAXX, Droid Fighter, HTC One X or iPhone."

"I'm impressed.  Because I am an enterprise corporate buyer, they gave me three thousand free BlackBerry Storm units and one BlackBerry Bold, " said Andy Droid.

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HP TouchPad Lives! Sale Almost as Cheap as Kindle Fire


HPTOUCHPADWe when called the HP TouchPad, the ImmortaPad, we never thought that the most-satisfactory tablet  would make yet another comeback  almost as good as its original fire sale. Well the "tablet that would not die" is back online with 10" inch fast specs at an almost Kindle Fire price.

The 16GB HP HP TouchPad tablets are hard to find anywhere at a decent price because the gray market has raised them up to about $300 or more for the tablets that were blown-out at $99 a pop.  However, MacConnection and PCConnectionExpress are showing refurbished 32GB Wi-FI HP TouchPads in stock for  $219 with free shipping which is the cheapes we'vel found for a tablet in the 10 inch realm. 

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HP webOS TouchPad News - Open & Closed

Hp TouchPad

Hp TouchPadThe tablet that would not die, the HP TouchPad along with its operating system webOS is back in the news.  The HP TouchPad was responsible for more app downloads than for Android tablets while HP showed its commitment to webOS as an open source operation system.

HP CEO Meg Whitman warned attendees at the HP Global Partner Festival that now that Google owns Motorola, Android could become a closed-platform. She let the audience know that HP is still committed to webOS for the long run. If Android becomes closed, then webOS devices would benefit.

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