HTC One Review of Reviews by Wireless and Mobile News
- Most Liked Features: well-built slim design, full bass sound audio, great speaker phone and one-handed use.
Verizon Wireless' best Black Friday deal is probably the free Ellipsis 7" tablet which is usually $149.99 with a two-year contract ...
AT&T is pushing out over-the-air an update for the HTC One. You will get a notification to ask you if you want to download it.
After it is downloaded, you are asked if you want to install it. Your phone will turn off and reboot during the process. You will not be able to make emergency phone calls.
Make sure that your HTC One is at 35% charged.
Although not KitKat, yet, Sprint is pushing out an Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update to the HTC One. Last month the unlocked HTC One, Developer Editor and Canadian HTC One were updated.
Sprint forum member have noted some Wi-Fi issues after the update. Other forum members are waiting a few days to be sure that the update works properly before installing, Remember that you should have you phone at least 35% charged and you will not be able to make or receive calls during the update.