It's iPhone upgrade time, again. You may be wondering what to do with your old iPhone 4/4s/5. Before you recycle it, sell or turn it into very expensive coaster, we suggest it may behoove you to unlock it from your carrier first. The iPhone will bring a higher price when you sell it unlocked and also make your friend or family member who receive the iPhone happier. Even though some may consider using an old iPhone a sign of old-iFartness it should suffice for most users. Most carriers require that the iPhone be paid for and that your contract is finished or has been active for 18 months before unlocking the iPhone.
There are many second-party ways to unlock iPhones. However, if you prefer to do things on the up and up,carriers, such as AT&T an T-Mobile let you unlock your iPhone to be used with another carrier. While Verizon and Sprint offer unlocking for certain models with restrictions. Read best deal on unsubsidized $199 iPhone 4 with lowest price contract, about the new iPhone 5c/5s and latest iPhone news.