LG Optimus Regard @ Cricket with Double Data Deal

LG Optimus Regard

LG Optimus RegardCricket Wireless  announced it's first 4G LTE smartphone the  LG Optimus Regard which they tout as a great holiday gift fro $249.99.

The LG Optimus Regard features Android 4.0 OS, 1.2 GHz dual-core processor,  5MP camera, Dolby Mobile, DLNA, Wi-Fi , Stereo Bluetooth, Mobile Hotspot.

The LG Optimus is available on Cricket's new 4G LTE Android Double Data service plans that offer, for a limited time, double the monthly full speed data allowance offered in 3G rate plans.  The $50 4G LTE Android Double Data Rate Plan allows 2GB of full-speed data; the $60 plan allows 5GB of full-speed data and the $70 plan offers 10GB of full-speed data.

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Sprint 4G LTE Spotted in Los Angeles County for Samsung Galaxy S III & iPhone 5

4G LTE Map Los Angeles

4G LTE Map Los AngelesAlthough, Los Angeles is not officially mapped currently for LTE service, there are reports fast LTE data from Sprint customers in various parts of Los Angeles.  Sprint hinted at a total deployment date by March 2013.

According to Sprint forum members when they have CDMA/LTE selected in their settings they found LTE service in t parts of Los Angeles City and County. This is for patient may be helpful if you are trying to decide whether to buy an LTE device from Sprint in the Los Angeles area.  The most important thing to discover is coverage for where you live, work and spent much of your time.

4G LTE coverage has been discovered on the iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S III and Samsung Galaxy Note II.  We suspect there will be great discounts on Sprint LTE devices on Black Friday and beyond.

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AT&T 4G LTE Expands 4 iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 & HTC One X in Many States

AT&T 4G LTE map

AT&T 4G LTE mapAT&T has added several metros for its 4G LTE service. The new cities are Sacramento, Birmingham, Memphis,Palm Beach County, Miami-Dade, Sacramento, Wilmington, Rochester, Albany and Philadelphia.

 AT&T claims that 4G LTE offers faster speeds, new devices, faster response time with lower latency and more efficient use of spectrum.

AT&T already has sold-out preorders for the iPhone 5, first day of sale which set a sales record with iPhone 5 over the weekend, making it the fastest-selling iPhone AT&T has ever offered.

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More 4G LTE Metros 4 AT&T Sprint & Verizon Wireless

AT&T 4G LTE map

AT&T, Sprint and Verizon wireless have expanded their coverage of their  4G LTE data network services. Bryson still covers the largest area, followed by AT&T and Sprint with very few.  Here is a list of all the new 4G LTE markets recently.


  • Miami, Florida.
  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
  • Worcester, Massachusetts.
  • Boston-area, Massachusetts.
  • West Palm Beach, Florida.
  • Baltimore (Expansion), Maryland
  • Great Washington D.C. Areas (Expansion).
  • If you are a new AT&T customer be sure to use $50 Off Coupon Link AT&T Wireless for new customers with a plan.

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4G LTE Best Deals - Samsung Galaxy S3, Nexus, HTC EVO 4G LTE (White) 4 Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City and San Antonio

Sprint 4G LTE Map

SSprint 4G LTE Mapprint has launched its 4G LTE network in 15 cities so that owners of the HTC EVO 4G LTE, Samsung Galaxy S III and  LG Viper 4G LTE will be able to use the faster network. Metro areas covered include Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City and San Antonio (a full list of cities follow).

Just in time for the launch of the new network, Sprint is offering the HTC EVO 4G LTE in white. Sprint has also highly discounted the smartphones that can use the new networks, we have found the best deals for it newest release the Samsung Galaxy S III.

Currently LetsTalk   is waiving the activation free for Sprint and selling the HTC EVO 4G LTE for $99, the Galaxy Nexus for $19.99 and the Samsung Galaxy S III (16GB) for $149.99 and the LG Viper for free with a contract for individual accounts. Then use LetsTalk  coupon code TALK4TEN for 10% off for up to $25 until 8/15.

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