Best Smartphones of 2012 Round 1 CR: LG Optimus G, Samsung Galaxy S III, Droid RAZR MAXX HD & iPhone 5

Consumer Reports is one of the few publications and organizations that does not accept advertising.  Consumer Reports claims that this makes their ranking impartial.  We reviewed Consumer Reports ratings for smartphones this year and found some surprises as well as similarities with technology media reviewers.

Update 12/18/2012 - We've rounded-up the 2012 results for best smartphone for T-Mobile, DT, HTC, LGDroid , Motorola, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, trends, sales figures and the best for 2012.

Some things that Consumer Reports hold important are call quality, ability to play Flash, ability to create Microsoft Word and Excel documents, ability to use voice/data at the same time, ease of use, separate call buttons and removable batteries.

In previous years, Consumer Reports reviews were months behind online reviews.  The company has improved its speed of testing. This year we see only a few omissions of  newly released smartphones such as the Nokia Lumia 920, HTC 8X and Nexus 4.

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Moto Photon Q, Droid RAZR M/HD, MAXX & Nexus- Better Off without Webtop?


WebtoplapdockThe demise of the Webtop and whole docking system for high-end Motorola smartphones is now official.  It is also very irritating to those who bought laptop dock, lapdocks and other docks from Motorola for earlier devices.

Last week customers learned that Motorola would not update the Motorola Photon (Fauxton), Motorola Atrix (Mo’ Accessories Up Ur A-Tricks 4G) and Motorola Electrify(Electric-Foe) to Android 4.o4 Ice Cream Sandwich causing outrage in owners who spend hundreds of dollars for lapdocks and other accessories.

Some are saying that Google killed the Webtop because Firefox competes with Google Chrome and Chromebooks. The Webtop apps turned smartphones into PCs when connected to a laptop dock or PC Monitor.  The Motorola Atrix received many awards for the concept.

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Atrix 4g & Photon 4G Update to Android 4.04 Ice Cream Sandwich Lied - Owners Cry

Atrix 4G

Atrix 4GIt would seem that since Google bought Motorola that  promised software updates to Android 4.04 Ice Cream Sandwich would be more than possible.  However, Motorola is creating an uproar with customers and also contributing to global warming by denying owners an update that has been promised for months.

Many people who bought top-of-the-line Motorola smartphones a year or less ago are furious and vowing never to buy a Motorola smartphone again.  Motorola has updated its Android update page and removed three products from ICS updates.

When the Motorola announced Android Ice Cream Sandwich updates included on the list were many dual-core and high-end smartphones  such as the Motorola Atrix 4G , Motorola Photon and Motorola Electrify. The Motorola Photon may have been better named the "Moto Fauxton."

These Atrix and Photon  were accessorized with expensive lapdocks or a multimedia dock kit with remote. The Atrix's nom de realty is now  "Mo' Accessories Up Ur A-Tricks 4G".

If you go to the Motorola website and look under the Motorola Atrix 4G accessories, the Laptop Dock is gone.  It appears that Google wants Motorola to remove any trace of the Laptop Dock that could replace a netbook.

The price of the Atrix Laptop Dock has plummeted to as low as $75.99 on for a device that previously had a list price of $499 by itself.

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Moto Atrix 2 Update to Android 4.04 ICS Out

Motorola Atrix 2 ICS update

Motorola Atrix 2 ICS updateMotorola is pushing out the update to  Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) software upgrade for Motorola Atrix 2. The software upgrade 67.21.125.MB865.ATT adds ICS, Smartactions and removes some widgets and features. We're hoping this means good news for Atrix 4G owners who were previously promised an update in Q3.

Once you upgrade, you cannot downgrade back to Android 2.3(Gingerbread) software after this upgrade.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich adds some features such as Android Beam, Face Unlock, a new UI and improved camera (see all features and video). The update removes some of the MotoBlur features.

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