New Numbers 4 Nexus 5 4G LTE, Motorola X and Nexus 11

Now that we know what the Samsung Galaxy S 4 and HTC One are like, we rounded up the rumors and news around the next Nexus models including the new Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and the bigger Nexus 11 tablet.

Next Nexus 4, Nexus 4 LTE?

The latest rumors suggest that the next Nexus smartphone will be an upgraded Nexus 4 with LTE.  The Nexus 4 LTE will reportedly be announced at Google I/O in May and have increased storage of 32GB and may support CDMA voice (Sprint or Verizon).  An AnTuTu benchmark score shows a Google Nexus 4 LTE running Android 4.3.  The naming of the scores can be easily faked and entered by the tester therefore it is not a verified rumor.

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Nexus 5 Motorola X Sooner or Later?

Moto Logo Nexus X

Motorola is stepping up its game in the smartphone field. We've gotten some clues as to what the Nexus 5 and or Motorola X will be like from Google and Motorola executives.

 "Motorola and Google have a new set of products, which are phenomenal--think of it as phone-plus," noted Eric Schmidt that will be coming "sooner rather than later."

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Ghosts of Nexus 5 Motorola X, Yeti & Sasquatch Like Porsche?

It seems like the folks at Motorola can't help but test new devices before they are released and give them all kinds of mysterious code names such as Motorola X, Ghost, Yeti, Sasquatch and Nexus...

The latest round of leaked Motorola smartphone names are not as exciting as the divinely endowed Motorola X aka Nexus 5 with the power and perks to keep fans salivating until Google I/O. The names, however, don't have to belong to the X Files or helped by X-Men, they can be found out in woods or in the attic.

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X Marks the Nexus Brand 4 5 & Beyond? with 800TB KS

Nexus 5Now that we know what the Samsung Galaxy S 4 is really like, pure Android users are looking towards the concept of the mysterious Motorola X, NXT, Nexus 5 or whatever it you call it.

The name Motorola X showed up in a job placement advertisement in January Then the NXT line turned out to be fake. Recently the latest Motoroal X-escapade is that the X means its a Motorola product that get fast upgrades to Android.

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