Samsung Galaxy @ Nexus 4 Best Deal vs iPhone?

Samsung Logo Apple Logo

Samsung Logo Apple LogoA court has ordered that the damages Samsung will pay Apple has been cut to $598,908,892 by around $450 million.

The judge, Lucy Koh found errors in the way the jury calculated damages. She also noted that there will have to be new trials to determine amounts owed on other devices.

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New Nexus 4 & 7 News: Deals, Cheaper, Better, Faster & Slow Shipping?

Nexus 4 Ships Soon

Nexus 4 Ships SoonThe pure Google Nexus line is expanding with new ads, new accessories, deals, estimates and rumors of new Nexuses.

Last night, during the Grammy's, Google aired a new Nexus 4 ad showing how Google Now knows what you want, depending upon where you are.

The commercial is titled "Live in the Now" with the description "No matter where you are in the world, Nexus 4 with Google Now gives you just the right information at just the right time." (video follows)

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