iPad mini, Nexus 7/10, Kindle Fire HD & Surface Best Inside Deal Predictions

Kindle Fire HD 8.9

Kindle Fire HDIn some businesses you get what you pay for, according to the latest iHS estimates, some customers are paying for high profits for some tablets.  This information is good to know before you make your holiday tablet buying decisions.

According to iHS the price of what you pay for a tablet is more than just materials.  Let's look at the top tablets iHS has torn apart and estimated costs for the top best tablets around.

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Nexus 7 Updated to 32 GB and 3G

Nexus 7

Nexus 7Google announced  a few changes to the well-reviewed Nexus 7 tablet. Storage has been increased for the same prices and you can also buy one with cellular data.

$249 will now buy you a Nexus 7 32GB Wi-Fi iconmodel which previously bought a 16GB, model. You can get a Nexus 7 with cellular data (HSPA+) for $299  which is $260 less than a similar featured  iPad mini.  The Nexus 7 can now operate on more than 200 GSM providers worldwide. The Google Nexus 7 16GB Nexus 7 Review of Reviews vs. Kindle Fire HD & new iPad now costs $199.

It now ships with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.

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