RIM App Store Opens March 2009 Online and On-Deck

Research In Motion announced two major distribution initiatives for BlackBerry smartphone applications at the BlackBerry Developer Conference. A new online application storefront and a new on-device application center will help application developers and carriers reach millions of BlackBerry smartphone users...

Music Studio In Your Mobile Phone - From IndabaVox

Indaba Music, the leading online music collaboration web application, launched IndabaVox, revolutionary online music collaboration functionality to allow musicians worldwide to record to sessions and conference together directly from their mobile devices. The IndabaVox features will act as a supplement...

iSync Syncs Mac with Lots of Phones

Cell phone owners can use the iSync plugins from nova media to synchronize contacts and calendars with a Mac and more than 200 cell phone models from BenQ, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson.The all new version 7.1 includes a...

Android Apps Can Be Eliminated, Says Computer World

Computer World  reports that there is a a Google Android kill switch, not to be confused with killer app.  It was discovered after reading the fine print:"Google may discover a product that violates the developer distribution agreement...in such an instance,...

Down Economy Calls 4 New Breed of Open Software, Say Globo

The slowdown in mobile communications will accelerate next generation of mobile software According to JPMorgan, mobile phone handset growth for 2009 will drop by roughly two percent, primarily because consumers, particularly in Europe, are reluctant to upgrade their phones. Other...