Yesterday, the web was abuzz with he said-she said rumors that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus would go on presale today, we had feeling that it was bogus and lo and behold there is no Nexus presales today while that media outlet received lots of traffic. So what's new on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus front? Videos, hangouts, accessibility, and insider news of its parts.
A new Google video raps out beats with friends beating out verbal drums to each other while video conferencing (jamming) on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. The video illustrates the Google+ feature of hanging out with up to nine friends.
The title of the video is "Galaxy Nexus and Google + Hangouts. The video description says:
"With Hangouts, the unplanned meet-up comes to the web — and the phone. Let buddies know you're hanging out and see who drops by. Chat face to face with a group of up to ten people using your 1.3-MP front-facing camera, all on the go."
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