Bring Your Android to Work @ Verizon Wireless VMware to Separate Biz & Personal Data


VMwareVMware Horizon Mobile will give Verizon Wireless business Android smartphone users the option to use it for  both professional and personal use.  Employees often carry a personal and business smartphones to separate business and professional information. VMware has a software solution.

VMware Horizon Mobile  provide a way for IT departments to securely provision, manage and de-provision a corporate mobile workspace (email, applications, data, etc.) to an employee. Personal and corporate profiles are kept separate.

VMware Horizon Mobile will be able to access and leverage the more than 250,000 applications available in the Android Market.

A video  showing how it works, follows.

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Holiday Smartphone Shopping/Safety Tips from Norton

The "Connected but Careless" study sponsored by Norton revealed that, despite repeated warnings about Internet threats, consumers are still somewhat cavalier and under-informed when it comes to Internet security, specifically in location-based services and mobile phone transactions.Letting the world know...