Samsung Galaxy Note 3: Release Dates & New Video

GalaxyNote3The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is coming out this week along with the Galaxy Gear smartwatch. Here are all the release dates starting tomorrow with T-Mobile along with the companion Samsung Galaxy Gear.

A commercial is airing on YouTube showing notifications on the Gear, maps and design features.  The marionettes are shown and edited on a a Galaxy Note 3 screen.

All devices are due out during the month of October:

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T-Mobile UnCarrier Cheaper Phones & Plans Working

iPhone 5 T-Mobile

iPhone 5 T-MobileT-Mobile latest uncarrier deals and plans that are cheaper than the rest of the pack and with more data are working to the tune of 1.1 million new customers.

T-Mobile sold 4.3million smartphones an increase of 71% over the previous quarter. iPhones were 29% of sales and a much better deal than three other major carriers. T-mobile sold about 900,000 iPhones by the end of June. About 90% of the iPhones sold were iPhone 5 models.

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T-Mobile Fastest LTE Hottest Summer Deals?

T-Mobile Speed NYCLet the early upgrade and LTE wars begin.  AT&T launched it's zero down payment next plan it didn't require a payment up front.  Now for a limited time T-Mobile will let owners get a smartphone for zero-down with 0% interest monthly payments. AT&T is reporting the fastest LTE speed and T-Mobile is gearing up to blast everyone out of the water with speeds twice as fast as the leaders.

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How T-Mobile Jump!, Hate2Wait Free GS 4 & $100 4-Line Families Work

Jump to new upgrades without ETFs for $10 a month. T-Mobile's new Un-carrier twist is Jump!, which enables people to upgrade their phones when they want, up to twice a year as soon as six months from enrollment without an upgrade fee. It begins  July 14 along with a new $100 a month family plan. To illustrate how smartphone owners hate to wait, those who share their #Hate2Wait stories on Facebook and Twitter could be a winner of one of 730 Samsung Galaxy S 4 smartphone prizes from T-Mobile(see exact entry details below).

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