New iPad Faux/Foe Surface? - Comes to Surface



Microsoft threw a party in Hollywood with the debut of  Surface, tablets that are what they claim are super advanced. It's not clear, yet if the tablets are the latest iPad foe or they are faux iPads.

They used a lot of "C"  words, the Surface is a transition between consumption and creation, without compromise while being software-centric with seamless expression of entertainment and creativity.

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AsusTransformer Pad Infinity Primed Double-Sided Teased & Release Dated?

Asus Taichi

Asus TaichiAsus likes to transform things. The Asus Transformer Prime is a tablet that turns into a netbook computer with an additional keyboard. The Asus Padfone starts off  as smartphone that docks into a tablet that turns the phone into a tablet.

Asus is playing hocus-pocus transforming operating systems and has some doubling tricks up its sleeves for Computex in what they call Teasers. On device could mean some double-crossing, or maybe a double deal.

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Next Google NexusTablets/Devices Updated w/o Carriers with Asus Transformer-Like Speed: Nexus-with-Benefits

Buy Nexus Tablet Soon?

Buy Nexus Tablet Soon?When Google released the first Nexus in January 2010, the Nexus One it was plauged  with connection problems and even though it was promised to come from all carriers, the Nexus One came and went from T-Mobile and AT&T.  The Nexus One never touched Verizon Wireless and Google closed it webstore in July 2010. Now Google appears want to call all the shots again this time for not only smartphone but tablets too.

In April, Google started selling unlocked HSPA+ Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones directly via its webstore.  The Wall Street Journal reported that Google plans to leverage early access to Android OS with device makers in order to sell the smartphones and tablets directly to buyers.  

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Kindle Fire Gains on iPad

Tablet chart

Tablet chart2012 may become the year that a Kindle Fire heats up the competition to the iPad.  Analysts predict that 106.1 million tablets will be sold in 2012 an increase over previous predictions.

IDC reported that Amazon shipped 4.7 million Kindle Fire tablets, totaling 16.8% of tablet shipments worldwide. Samsung showed a slight gain at 5.8%. 

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