Moto X Motomaker Gets Personal Droid Ultra Gestures Demoed

MotoXcolorsThere were no major surprises during the media event today when the Moto X was revealed. The Motorola X is being touted as an innovation in smartphones with personalization features and voice activated controls without touching it. Demonstration videos follow.

Buyers choose the colors, front, back, accents, memory, wallpapers, even add a name or a short message. The system is called MotoMaker a video demo appears below. Motorola claims it will complete customization shipped to within in four days or less after parts are assembled in Fort Worth, Texas. If you don't like it you can return it in 14 days. This feature will only be available for AT&T at first, when it launches in late August or September.  A wooden case won't be available until Q4.

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Moto X eX-Specs-tations Nexus Q-Balled or US Priced for Release Date

motoxThere has been quite a bit of information leaked about the Moto X, the next smartphone coming from Motorola, that will be announced on August 1. The are some great expectations around the specs, release and details of its release.

We already know that the Moto X will have customizable options and a 4.7" touchscreen that is 720 x 1280 pixels.  This should make not be confused with the 4.3" Droid mini or 5" Droid Ultra/MAXX.  It will definitely run Android, Jelly Bean 4.2.2 or later. Other specs include front facing camera, GPS and Wi-Fi. The Moto X in retail stores will come in Black or White.  Meanwhile a Googler was seen with one in green.

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Moto X (XFON) not Nexus 5 or Droid: Details & Release Date Round-up

Motorola finally revealed more details surrounding the Moto X at D11. It is not the Nexus 5, although Google hasn't given up on the Nexus line and will have some special features.

The Moto X will have some kind special sensors. Google gives Motorola no special treatment for getting code or anything early. The products are going to ship throughout the fall.

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Nexus 5 Motorola X Sooner or Later?

Moto Logo Nexus X

Motorola is stepping up its game in the smartphone field. We've gotten some clues as to what the Nexus 5 and or Motorola X will be like from Google and Motorola executives.

 "Motorola and Google have a new set of products, which are phenomenal--think of it as phone-plus," noted Eric Schmidt that will be coming "sooner rather than later."

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X Marks the Nexus Brand 4 5 & Beyond? with 800TB KS

Nexus 5Now that we know what the Samsung Galaxy S 4 is really like, pure Android users are looking towards the concept of the mysterious Motorola X, NXT, Nexus 5 or whatever it you call it.

The name Motorola X showed up in a job placement advertisement in January Then the NXT line turned out to be fake. Recently the latest Motoroal X-escapade is that the X means its a Motorola product that get fast upgrades to Android.

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