2 Trillion Texts-a-Day Globally, Says In-Stat

A report from In-Stat finds the most profitable data service is still text messaging.  Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Message Service (MMS) technologies provide potentially endless revenue streams for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). In-Stat found the following:  Users are...

1.4 Million Inaugural Text Messages Predicted by VeriSign

VeriSign predicts 1.4 billion mobile messages wll be delivered nationwide on Inauguration Day. Due the historic nature of the inaugural, and Obama's ties to heavy users of messaging technology, VeriSign expects the Election Day record of 803 million messages carried...

Text Chat Between Mobiles and Computers Via Cherple

Globaltel Media, Inc. is offering a pre-release version of their new texting chat app for PCs to mobiles dubbed Cherple.  The service is free to the computer user while the mobile phone carriers text rates or plan applies.Cherple allows two-way...

Text, call, Video or MMS the New Year? Asks Sprint

Sprint is expecting its customers to text in the New Year, based on historical network trends. Sprint's has strengthened its network in time for the dropping of the ball. "New Year's is one of the highest 'text messaging' days of...