AT&T Lauches Texts Can Wait Campaign

AT&T is launching a campaign to raise awareness about the risks of texting and driving, informing cell phone users that text messages can - and should - wait until after driving. The national campaign features true stories and the text...

Free Verizon Calls to Chile: Text Donations to CHILE

Verizon has waived all long-distance usage charges forc alls from its residential landline and Verizon Wireless phones to Chile, from Feb. 26 through Mar. 6. All the carriers Sprint, T-Mobile AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon will not charge for text message...

More Teens Text, Txtng VIP 2Teens, Says MRI

More teens are choosing texting over instant messaging as their preferred method of communication, according to the latest TeenMark study from Mediamark Research & Intelligence (MRI). Some 57% of teenagers report they text messaged on their cell phones in...