It looks like grandfathered Verizon unlimited data plan holders prayers were answered ever so briefly over this weekend. Those who order a new smartphone online are not being pushed into to "Share Everything Plans" and are maintaining their unlimited data, for now.
Update 9/30/2013 10:21 am PDT: It appears the glitch in the system was fixed sometime late last night. I have contacted Verizon PR reps to find out what Verizon will officially do, if they will honor the sales or if they will offer a discount or some kind of credit to accounts. I will post a response as soon as I receive one.
Update 9/30/2013 1:52pm PDT: Verizon will honor the sales, we've received official word from their PR department.
There is a glitch in the Verizon Wireless online ordering website that is allowing Verizon Wireless customers with unlimited data plans to keep their plans and buy a subsidized smartphone along with the a coupon code VERIZON30 that takes 30% of the price of $199 smartphone and lowers it $139. There are reports of people getting subsidized Galaxy Note 3, LG G2 and Samsung Galaxy S 4 models at the discounted price.
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