Best Cyber Monday Deals-Samsung Galaxy S III (Virgin), Best Buy, Boost, LG G2 (free) & $50 Coupon

BlackFridayThursCyberMondaysales2013We've been looking for the best Cyber Monday-Week deals for our readers and if you want to switch to prepaid or get a new smartphone or tablet we found some excellent bargains from Best Buy, Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile, Verizon Wireless and AT&T.

 Update November 23, 2014:The incredible Samsung Galaxy S5 for $1 deal is now live at Best Buy for Black Friday 2014. iPad Air 2 deals are coming and we suspect that will sell out quickly. T-Mobile started its deals. Virgin Mobile has cut prices, already. Verizon deals are on the horizon. AT&T has not announced its daily deals. However, Sprint has some new deals ready

Virgin Mobile is still running it's BFD (Black Friday Deal) today with 50% of some of its best smartphones such as Save 50% Off the Virgin Mobile Supreme - for $149.99 . Cyber Monday  deals started today, Sunday with great deals on HTC Desire ($179.99), Virgin Awe ($49.99) and Samsung Galaxy  III 4G ($249.99) through Tuesday at 7:00 am EST.  We checked today at Virgin Mobile and the iPhone 5 is 20% off and there are even more deals from Virgin Mobile.

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Virgin Mobile Black Friday-Cyber Monday Deals Samsung Galaxy($150 off) HTC Desire ($100 off) & More Deals (2103)

BlackFridayThursCyberMondaysales2013Virgin Mobile is offering some great Cyber Monday deals starting on Sunday. Virgin Mobile is calling the sale "Get your Jollies, #giftyourself."

Here's a list of the deals below. If you are new to the prepaid market, check-out what Boost Mobile has to offer, with one month free service until Cyber Monday with a phone purchase.

 Update November 23, 2014:. Virgin Mobile has cut prices, already, we expect some to be as much as 40%.

Cyber Monday started on Sunday when Samsung Galaxy  III fans  get $150 off, the  Virgin Mobile Awe  is$50 off many while many smartphones are highly discounted through Tuesday 7:00 am.

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Boost & Virgin Mobile Offers Samsung Galaxy S3 (III) 2Day

The Samsung Galaxy S III goes on sale from Boost Mobile today for $399.99 and at Virgin Mobile. Both prepaid plan operate on the Sprint network using both 3G and 4G LTE data.

The Samsung Galaxy S III was named the best smartphone of 2012 and will get an update to most of the features of the Samsung Galaxy S 4.  The Samsung Galaxy S III is the same exterior size as the GS 4 with a more curved shape and a 4.8" Super AMOLED touchscreen as opposed to the GS 4 which has a 5" Super AMOLED screen.

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Virgin Mobile Ads Went too Far from Virgin Deals

Virgin Mobile

Virgin MobileVirgin Mobile has pulled an offensive ad campaign that went too far and caused an outrage from Twitter users along with Virgin Mobile founder Richard Branson.

The ad which women do night find funny showed a man with with his left over a woman's face and another holding  box, asked "Necklace or Cholorform?" for a holiday question on December 8.

The image was Tweeted by Everyday Sexism Project‘s Twitter feed with suggestion that other users tweet Virgin Mobile U.S. and Virgin Group Chairman Sir Richard Branson.

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Verizon Wireless & Virgin Mobile Top Best Customer Caring - Unlimited Data Customers Happiest

Wireless Satisfaction

Wireless SatisfactionAccording to the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 U.S. Wireless Customer Care Full-Service Performance Study—Volume 2 and the 2012 U.S. Wireless Customer Care Non-Contract Performance Study—Volume 2, Wireless customers who have tiered data plans(748 score) are a lot less satisfied than those with unlimited data plans (775 sc0re).

The two victorious companies start with the letter "v"."

Verizon Wireless ranked highest in wireless customer care performance among full-service carriers with an overall score of 771. Sprint came in second (764 ), AT&T (756 )third followed by T-Mobile (722).

Virgin Mobile ranks highest in overall customer care satisfaction among non-contract service carriers with an overall score of 750, Trafone was second (718), Straight Talk ( 705), MetroPCS(702) third, Boost Mobile(698) fourth, Net10( 677) and Cricket( 673) last.

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