EarthLink Terminates Philly Wi-Fi

EarthLink notified its Wi-Fi customers in Philadelphia that EarthLink is terminating its Philadelphia Wi-Fi service and that EarthLink is providing its customers a thirty-day transition period through June 12, 2008. After months of negotiations with the City of Philadelphia and...

Cablevision Wi-Fis NYC Metro

Cablevision is expected more than $300 million to supply Wi-Fi technology to  the New York metro area and on Long Island over the next two years. AT&T is already offering free Wi-Fi hotspot service to its subscribers. It could help...

Make SmartPhones WalkingHotSPot with TapRoot Software

TapRoot Systems Inc., a developer of software for the smartphone market, today announced that it is providing free trial versions of its WalkingHotSpot solution to Wi-Fi enabled smartphone users. In response to massive world-wide inquiries surrounding the recent announcement of...