Palm Pre News: Advocates, NASCAR Racing and Launch Date?

NASCAR_0012.jpgThe Palm Pre news media machines are bubbling forth this weekend. It's no surprise that announcements of the launch and launch dates are changing. Sprint store advocates are getting their hands on the smartphones. There are many references to the Palm Pre 's association with NASCAR a logo on a car, an app and ginormous Palm Pre  jumbotron models are under construction.

Boy Genius Report says that Palm Pre smartphones are making their way into Sprint stores for the Sprint Advocates who will be the Palm Pre Geniuses for the store.

Pre Central reports that the keyboard feels like a cross between a Centro and Treo Pro Keyboard. Prior to the June 5-7 weeked there will be mandatory manager training on the Palm Pre .

An EverythingPre forum member reported that giant Palm Pre smartphones being constructed for the Nascar Sprint All Star Race.  The Palm Pre units look to be about three to four times the height of the guy next to it.

What's the connection?  There will be NASCAR racing app for the Palm Pre named Sprint Cup Mobile. The app includess live TV broadcasts, streaming audio and real time stats at no addtional charge with data plan.

IntoMobile reported that the Palm Pre logo appears on Raphael Matos' Honda-powered IndyCar on th IndyCar website.

When will the Palm Pre officially go on sale? IntoMobile reports an announcement on the sale date May  and names an unamed Sprint rep whi said the sell date will be June 16 making it after the next big iPhone announcement, June 8 at Apple's World Wide Development conference.

Excitment is building and Laura Sydell at All Tech Considered at NPR called the Palm Pre "pretty impressive."

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