MagicJack for Free Broadband Cell Phone Calls in Home Coming Soon

magicjack.jpgMagicJack at CES revvaled a device that allows free calls from cell phones in the home, via a computer's broadband Internet connection.

It uses the smecell frequencies (spectrum) as a cell tower and could be considered a femtocell device. The magicJack for free cell phone calls will be released in the U.S. for $40 and will offer free calls to the US and Canada like the landline-style Magic Jack.

The cell magicJack will only work with GSM phones such as those used in the U.S. by T-Mobile and AT&T

President, Dan Borislow said the device is legal because wireless spectrum licences don't extend into the home.  So far there has been no comment from AT&T and T-Mobile.

This falls on the heels of the notice that T-Mobile will end its $10 a month @Home service.  Mmmmn it maybe it's time for magicJack.