Last year, Wireless and Mobile News ran close to 20 articles highlighting all the best deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In the past, we called Black Friday "BlackBerry Friday." For 2010, it may be Samsung Galaxy S, Android an' Droid Friday with a hint of LTE and more on November 26 through November 29.
See all Black Friday through Cyber Monday Deals 2012.
Of course, we will continue to inform our readers of the best top smartphone, tablet and cell phone deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2010 as they happen, and we will list links to them in this article when they break.
We bet our reputation that about two weeks before Black Friday, there will be major announcements for some hot new smartphones, tablets, services and netbooks. Last year the Droid by Motorola was launched a few weeks before the Black Friday blitz, and this year there will be either a new Droid smartphone or Droid deal. The special edition R2-D2 Droid 2 surely will be a great gift for Star Wars fans and will be hard to find.
The Samsung Fascinate from Verizon already is discounted to Buy-One-Get-One-Free. Verizon will add more deals to Veriizon Wireless Current Promotions. There are a huge number of renewals that end around the holidays, and the carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile will market to those consumers with ending contracts.
Wireless and Mobile News has named the Top Ten Best Android Phones Now an' Later, and at least one of the Android smartphones will have some kind of special Black Friday deal.
This week Verizon confirmed that it's on schedule to deploy the faster-data LTE network in 35-40 cities by year's end. It does not make sense for them to wait until December. Those LTE networks should be live in time for Black Friday and be populated with new high-speed access smartphones and phones by Cyber Monday.
Also in the news this week is the planned announcement of a tablet from RIM that works with BlackBerry smartphones via a tethered connection with two million being manufactured. We believe that because there is already a tablet on the market, RIM and or its carriers will offer a combo deal by the end of this year or next year.
We already have seen that the Samsung Galaxy S tablet, the Samsung Tab is ready for launch for all the major carriers. The Samsung Tab will be ready in time for Black Friday and may be bundled with media content to sweeten shopper appeal. There will also be specials offered on Samsung Galaxy S phones.
There will be trade-in rebates for competing smartphones from a major smartphone maker. Last year HTC gave an additional $100 rebate for smartphone users who gave up their smartphone for an HTC smartphone. Other promotions will promote recycling and buy-back options, giving new smartphone buyers as much as $100 to recycle the old model.
T-Mobile has started offering their "Kids Free" plans to help leverage their family deals over the Holidays--especially for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Online retailers of cellphones such as Amazon Wireless Beta, Wirefly or Lets Talk will offer free delivery and instant rebates to compete.
Wireless and Mobile News will reveal the best deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2010 as they happen.
Summary of Deals and Offers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2010:
- Releases of new high-powered models of smatphones.
- New network data pricing and options.
- Buy-One-Get-One-Free deals.
- Family and friends offers.
- Samsung Galaxy S deals.
- Samsung Tab deals in conjunction with media content.
- Tablet and smartphone combo deals.
- Trade-in rebates.
- Recycling rebates.
- No waiting for rebates from online retailers.
Check back here when you are ready to start shopping, and we'll be here to help you with your decisions.