We didn't watch TV for a day or two and we missed the latest Samsung Galaxy S III commercials. Every time we turn our backs on the Samsung Galaxy S III new information from the marketing machine appears while shortages continue to grow across carriers, with a possible delay on the Verizon Network.
Of course, they are taking shots at the iPhone hard, with things that the iPhone can't do like AllShare and Share Shot.
With Share Shot, you can instantly share photos with your friends' Galaxy S III's provided all your friends have Samsung Galaxy S III smartphones. On Friday, the family was in the delivery waiting room for a birth of a baby.
Today, a gang of folks are out on the Santa Monica Pier mugging for cameras and the runner, running by is asked to take photos of the gang with a different camera or phone from each of them. On the other side of the pier, one Samsung Galaxy S3 camera shares the single great photo with the whole gang at once.
In the boardroom, the execs have a dongle issue. Even Dooley doesn't have his dongle ready. The smart guy shares the file instantly to the TV through AllShare. Through AllShare Play, you can share files with other devices and access those files on various devices, such as documents or multimedia files between youur Galaxy S III phone and a tablet, PC or television.
Thy Samsung Galaxy S III is not without issues, forum members have reported overheating, problems with standby mode and other minor glitches.
The Samsung Galaxy S III is called the next big thing and is often compared to the iPhone. Samsung makes many of the internal components for the iPhone and is probably best suited to compete against Apple. Meanwhile Apple continues to try to stop the sale of Samsung galaxy devices in the United States with various patent infringement lawsuits. The Samsung galaxy nexus was banned for a brief period of time until Samsung fought back.
The Samsung Galaxy S III will be highly promoted touring the Summer Olympic Games in London. It will be seen all over the world as a great competitor.