iPhone, HTC, Sasmung - Top Best Smartphones Battery Drain Complaints Worst

iPhone Battery

iPhone BatteryJ.D. Power's latest study showed how satisfied customers are with their basic mobile handsets and smartphones.

Customers don't like when their batteries drain too quickly especially with 4G LTE smartphones which is the area  of satisfaction that has declined the most recently. If customers are happy with battery life then they are more likely to repurchase the same brand of smartphone.

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Smartphone Costs Top Problem as Voice Declines & Prepaid Grows

smartphone sales

smartphone salesThe wireless industry is maturing and will make prepaid services and mobile broadband more important for profits, notes the latest PwC North American report. Voice usage is declining while data usage is increasing. Prepaid is growing for customers who want to save money and not make a commitment.

The main problems in the wireless industry are the subsidizing of expensive smartphones and high competition to keep subscribers, noted the report.

Smartphone sales represented 48 percent of total device sales and accounted for 51 percent of upgrades. Prepaid services now represent an average of 29.2 percent of total service revenues, up from 22.5 percent in the 2010 survey.

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U.S. Smartphones @ 80% Sales(Android Tops) & Mo' Data than Voice in 2013


SmartphonesChetan Sharma at Always One Real-Time Access crunched some amazing United States wireless market numbers and predicted that mobile data revenues in the US market will reach $80 billion.

The U.S. market accounts for 5% of the subscriber base but 17% of the global service revenues and 21% of the global mobile data revenues. It also accounts for 40% for the global smartphone sales. Data now constitutes over 85% of the mobile traffic in the US.

U.S. Operators are averaging 80% of their postpaid sales as smartphones with Android dominating though iPhone leads in mindshare.

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Lost iPhone or Smartphone = Breach?

It's bad enough when you lose your iPhone or smartphone, because you can't make phone call or access email.  What's even worse is what the finder may do with it.

In a recent study, although half of the smartphones were returned almost every finder snooped into both corporate and personal files. Finders also tried to get through password protected data. The average time before returning the smartphone was ten hours of snooping.  Finders also looked into the owners cloud, too. It's making "remote data wipe" seem like very good idea.

The Symantec Smartphone Honey Stick Project sent out 50 “lost” smartphones and watched what the finders did with the smartphones:

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