The new Amazon Kindle Fire Android tablet eReader announced today is being called the iPad killer with fewer features than the iPad 2 but less than half the price. How does it compare the tablet bargain of all time the HP TouchPad? Amazon is taking preorders for the Kindle Fire,
right now with a release date November 15.
We suspect Amazon may sell-out of the Kindle Fire over the holidays because other Kindle readers achieved that status. Some analysts have concluded the reason why the Kindle Fire is an iPad killer is "It's the price, stupid."
The best features of the Kindle Fire are the dual-core processor, free Amazon Cloud storage, cloud accelerated mobile browser and of course the $199 price.
Shortcomings of the Kindle Fire include it uses Android 2.3(not a tablet OS) and lacks Bluetooth, cellular data, a camera and GPS. The Kindle Fire touchscreen is only 7 inches as compared to the 9.7" of the HP TouchPad and iPad 2.
As far a content goes, you can buy Amazon movies on the Kindle Fire, buy iTunes or Netflix movies on the iPad and HP Movie Store or Walmart streams on the HP TouchPad.
Battery life on all the three of the tablets is about the same while memory and processor speed are highest for the HP TouchPad.
For price and features the HP TouchPad's fire sale prices beat out all the competitors.
It has been reported there will be more $99 and $149 TouchPads coming to market which is the surely the best price ever for such fully packed tablets. If you believe in miracles and are able to nab one at those prices it will be a great deal. unfortunately, HP TouchPads are going for more than $200 on and eBay.
When Meg Whitman was appointed CEO to HP some analysts suggested that she learn from the TouchPad, while others doubted if the HP TouchPad would ever come back.
NewEgg sold out of the 7" $69 Velocity Micro Cruz Reader, very quickly which had specs closer to the Kindle Fire. As we get closer to the holidays we'll be able to tell what will be the best sold-out tablet. There may be a new iPad on the horizon and then Apple may drop the price of previous iPad models, only time and technology will tell.
It looks like that image needs some editing. I think the iPad 2 has more than 512KB of memory. 😉
We corrected the iPad 2 memory is 1GB. Thanks we were working under a deadline.
Not to be anal, but perhaps the sentence:
"NewEgg sold out of the 7" $69 Velocity Micro Cruz Reader very quickly, which had specs..."
would read better...