Motorola has started promoting the Droid Bionic through its Twitter account and so far today, they have given away at least two Droid Bionic smartphones, with the hastag "#worththewait."
It looks like Moto is searching through social media finding people who have griped about how long they have been waiting to get a Droid Bionic, then through Twitter, the Droid-Bionic-wanter is given a free Droid Bionic.
Here's what Motorola Tweeted @KimPoss1bL3:
You waited just long enough bc the Droid BIONIC is finally here & it's on us! DM us ur name/email for info. #worththewait
Moto Tweeted to @DJInBoise:
Check your mentions! We're giving you a Droid BIONIC on us! Follow us and DM your info. #worththewait
There are also messages from Motorola giving clues to the Droid Bionic reveal page on Facebook.
Tweeting about the Droid Bionic is by easier than the national augmented reality DroidLanding search and promotion. There was already one hunt for a lucky of winner, yesterday and a news game starting tonight. New players download the mobile app download and engage in AR hunt from their unique GPS location almost anywhere.
Before you get all excited over the chance of winning a Droid Bionic, when Verizon gave away previous Droid smartphones, winners received the Droid but still had to pay for monthly service that can amount to $69.99 or more a month.
Meanwhile forum members who have a Droid Bionic has released videos , one of which shows a blurry benchmark test which could be a download speed of 5Mbps.
The Droid Bionic was originally announced in January and was dealyed due to 4G LTE combatility issues. It is one of the many super-powered dual-core smartphones to be released this fall along with the Samsung Galaxy S II, Samsung Droid Prime, and LG Thrill 4G.
Read all Droid Bionic articles.