Acer Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) Liquid Glo

Acer Liquid GloMaybe it has to do with it being a week after Valentine's Day but there's a whole lot of pink going on.  

There is a special edition Samsung Galaxy S II in pink and the new Liquid Glo from Acer will come in  White,  Cat's-eye Black and Sakura Pink, with matching onscreen display styles for a fashion statement.  Then of course Ms. T-Mobile is oh-so-pretty in profitable pink.

The Acer Liquid Glo is described as being affordable for fun-seeking social networking youth. It also for those who like to talk to their phones for voice commands  fo continuous "open microphone" experience and streaming voice recognition.

Features include 3.7" touchscreen, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 5MP camera, NFC, Android Beam. We also suspect the usual suspected specs including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and some sort of USB connection.