Kids Love iPads & Tablets for Games, Education and Video

It's not just business people who using tablets. A Nielsen survey of adults with children under 12 in tablet-owning households, in Q4 2011 seven out of every 10 children in tablet-owning households used a tablet computer – a nine percent increase compared to Q3 2011.

Tablet KidsWhat are the kids doing on the tablets?

  • 77% play/download games.
  • 57% use fore educational purposes.
  • 43% to watch TV/video/movies.
  • 15% communicate with friends and family.
Last fall,  Nielsen found the  iPad was the most desired consumer electronic device among kids ages 6-12 for holiday 2011 with nearly half (44%) of kids expressing interest in it.  It looks like the kids are getting what they want.  At least they get to use the family tablet.