TS2R Wireless News from Wireless and Mobile News:
Full news stories, today include new Verizon 4G LTE markets, small business wireless use, HTC ICS update, Droid Bionic update and teens mis-use of cell phones.
Here's the news that is too short to report:
- CTIA issued this statement "With 80 percent of wireless-related complaints coming from third parties sending unwanted text messages and making unsolicited phone calls, consumers are the winners from the FCC's re-affirmation today."
- FLW, the world's leading tournament-fishing organization, and TracFone Wireless, announced Team Straight Talk Scott Canterbury and J.T. Kenney again will compete in the 2012 Walmart FLW Tour, the largest and most competitive bass fishing circuit in the world.
- The Motorola Mobility Foundation is accepting applications for the 2012 Empowerment Grants – a one-of-a-kind grant program designed to help U.S.-based nonprofit organizations develop mobile applications and use mobile technology that will help transform and benefit the communities they serve.
- Ooyala Video index showed video plays on tablets, mobile devices and connected TVs nearly doubled in Q4 2011 over Q3 2011. Tablet viewers continue to be far more engaged than desktop viewers – they were 45% more likely to complete at least 75% of videos played, a reliable measure of engagement ablet viewers continue to be far more engaged than desktop viewers – they were 45% more likely to complete at least 75% of videos played, a reliable measure of engagement.