There were terabytes of news about none other than the iPhone 5 beaming around the world. Although there are claims its factory security guards beat workers, iPhone 5 sales did not beat projected estimates. Directions are all over the map...while delivery dates get later. Glitches abound while tests are fairing well.
Waiting for Godot & Displays
The displays on the new iPhone 5 use incell touch panels, a new technology that combines panels to make the iPhone 5 thinner. This new technology is hard to make with high quality standards. Sharp couldn't make them fast enough causing a shortage.
iPhone 5 Core Double Speed Triple Cores
The A6 processor has three processor cores that doubles the the processing power and the graphics. UBM reported that the processor manufacturer is Samsung. Preliminary benchmark test show the iPhone 5 to be faster than the new iPad and Samsung Galaxy S III.
Riotus Sales = Rioting Workers?
The workers at FoxCon in Taiyuan who are revolted by the conditions in the factory where they make the iPhone 5 were involved in a massive riot.. 5,000 police were sent to after a dormitory fight turned into a massive brawl. The plant was closed. 40 people were hospitaliazed. Social media accounts claim security guards beat workers almost to death."tudents & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour, in a report this month found that some employees interviewed at the Zhengzhou factory had not had a day off in 30 day.
iPhone 5 Wants to Be a 6.5 Millionaire, Only 5 Million Sold
Morgan Stanely's Katy Huberty predicted that Apple will sell 200million iPhones in 2013, 25 million by the end of September and 50 million more in the fourth quarter of 2012. The 5 million iPhones sold over the weekend (first three days of sale) however are less than the 6-6.5 million expected.
New Yawk Hot Over Siri's Weather Girl
Weather girl Siri on the iPhone 5 is sending New York Texas blistering hot weather forecasts to New York City, New Yorkers. There are reports that some towns are getting the wrong weather results from other towns.
New York Hotspot for Hot iPhone 5 & iPads
Apple products inspired a rash of crimes the NYPD reported that the Apple product theft rate has increade 40% over last year. Police warn users of electronic devices to be aware of their surrounding. We're wondering if disguising your iPhone 5 to be a BlackBerry Bold, would help.
iPhone Eats Profits
The carriers pay a high price for iPhones wil lower profit margins for Verizon and AT&T between 4 or 5 percentage points.
Display Mate Mates with iPhone 5
Display Mate compared the iPhone 5 display to the Samsung Galaxy S III and found out it wanted to mate with the superior retina iPhone 5.
Maps Continue to Point to Dissapointment
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is dissapointed by the Apple maps included in the iPhone 5 and was not able to navigate where he wanted to by voice. Our CDN provider MAXCDN mapped its new POP locations using iOS 6 to show one its nodes in the Bermuda Triangle.
Pool Dips & Tricks
The lattest SquareTrade video shows that the iPhone 5 screen is more resilent to dropping on the ground when it hits the side of the phone. After being dropped in the swimming the iPhone 5 continued to work after a dip in the pool. It was a better swimmer than the Samsung Galaxy S III (read comparison).