Star Spangled Droid RAZR MAXX + Bluetooh 4 Oscars: How Win Free


TDroid RAZ MAXXhe Droid RAZR MAXX will be seen at the Oscars, maybe when they pan the audience, you'll see Oscar-nominated stars calling their friends. Award shows are v-e-r-y long and the Droid RAZR MAXX has enough battery power to last through the show and even the after parties. Motorola is also giving away these special edition smartphones via Twitter.

The Droid RAZR MAXX battery was rated 4.5 out 5 and is an award-worthy battery according to reviews.  The Droid RAZR appears in many top ten best smartphones of 2011 lists, including the top ten of all and Verizon Wireless lists.

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Droid RAZR Limited Edition to MAXX?

Droid RAZR

Droid RAZRIt seems like the Droid RAZR family is so popular that Verizon and Motorola keep coming up with more versions.  The Droid RAZR went from, black to white/purple all the way to MAXX and finally to the QWERTY Droid 4.

In April, Verizon employees reportedly will get the ionic Verizon red and black colors on a decorated discounted Droid RAZR.

Verizon employees  reportedly will be getting first dibs on limited edition Droid RAZR smartphones with a free dock, red/black patterned Kevlar backing, unique edition number and Limited Editon engraved on the front.

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Droid RAZR MAXX Battery Life Review of Reviews

Droid RAZR

Droid RAZRDroid RAZR MAXX Battery Rated 4.5 out of 5 by Wireless and Mobile News' Review of Reviews


The Droid RAZR MAXX and Droid RAZR share the same processors and software but differ in that the MAXX packs a 3300mAh battery.  Verizon Wireless  is still offering the double data deal.

We give the battery a rating of 4.5 out 5 because it lasts a l-o-n-g time with its only drawback is that it can not be removed by the user.

Because the reviews were pretty much the same with the same ratings for the Droid RAZR as the Droid RAZR MAXX, instead of reviewing the reviews of the smartphone itself, we review how the mega-battery rated.

The original DROID RAZR was well-reviewed and all reviewers noted that the DROID RAZR touchscreen is gorgeous and the data speeds as well as 1.2GHz processor are very fast.  The Droid RAZR appears in many top ten best smartphones of 2011 lists, including the top ten of all and Verizon Wireless list.  If you want a physical keyboard, the Droid 4 that debuted on Friday,  has a slightly smaller screen and slide-out keyboard.

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