Top 10 Best Hottest Coolest Smartphones: Samsung Galaxy SII, Nexus, Focus Flash, HTC Rezound, Amaze, Atrix 2, myTouch & iPhone

Top Ten Best Smartphones

Top Ten Best Smartphones SprintWe have got just a few more lists of the best smartphones of the year to review before we announce the final winner. Today, we examine the list of Laptop's top ten best smartphones of the year.

Previously, we analyzed the Digital TrendsPC WorldPCMag and CNET  top 2011 smartphone lists along with Consumer Reports' top best-rated choices for Verizon WirelessT-Mobile, AT&T and Sprint.

Laptop is one of the most-picky and hardest hitting when reviewing smartphones.  Their list has no surprises except for the Samsung Focus Flash Windows Phone. Like other lists, there are no BlackBerry models but include some of the most popular smartphones of the year. Laptop's list includes more recently released models than other lists. Most of the top ten received Editors' Choice (EC) and are packed with features and fast data speeds.

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Droid RAZR Update Starting 2 Roll Out with Glitch Fixes

RAZR Update

RAZR UpdateVerizon Wireless is starting to roll out an update for the Droid RAZR with glitch fixes and improvements. You will get a notification that the update is available.

Although there are reports that some  Droid RAZR  owners are getting notifications of the update, the Verizon support page shows "Coming Soon."

Verizon support notes that the update will roll out over time.  Generally, an update will start slowly on a Thursday. It is sent progressively in great amounts by late Friday and into the weekend.

The software update, 6.11.748.XT912  is a minor update that fixes SIM error notifications, camera quality, and other glitches.  The update also improves data connections, Wi-Fi, message notifications, and background readability in the Lapdock.

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Top Ten Best Coolest Hottest Smartphones: Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy SII, Droid RAZR, iPhone & Windows Phones

Top Ten Best Smartphones

Top Ten Best Smartphones SprintIt has been a crazy and exciting year in smartphones, there were more choices and more varied results on top best lists then we ever seen before.  Soon, we will have the final result countdown for the Top Ten Best Cooles Hottest Smartphones of 2011 from Wireless and Mobile News' Review of Reviews. 

Today, we review Digital Trends picks for the year.  They have done something we haven't seen before for Verizon Wireless, after stating that they give five choices they list six winners.  This is of course due to the fact the Galaxy Nexus came out last week and has not been reviewed by many outlets while lists are typically published in late November or early December.

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White Droid RAZR Xmas Win a Free Droid RAZR @whiterazrxmas or Cee Lo & Behold in L.A.

Cee Lo

Cee Lo

Grammy Award Winning recording artist Cee Lo Green, and Motorola want you to have white and happy Christmas in Los Angeles.  You could win a white Droid RAZR , today,  if you can find it.

Cee Lo hid 3 Droid RAZR smartphones by Motorola in white somewhere within the Los Angeles area. Throughout the day he is Tweeting clues to its location and direct participants on a holiday scavenger hunt.

To participate, during the Promotion Period, become a follower of @CeeLoGreen on Twitter at where Cee Lo will send clues in the form of tweets to the Twitter community. The first individual to identify and arrive at the location of a hidden White DROID RAZR phone will be deemed a potential winner.   So far the clues are really easy they refer to chicken and waffles as well as his favorite restaurant.  The answer is so obvious.   

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