Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (II) Best of Phone & Tablet?

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2The Samsung Galaxy Note II is being released today on T-Mobile and will launch on AT&T, Sprint and U.S. Cellular tomorrow.The latest video has more imagines than a John Lennon and Yoko Ono song.

The text of the latest Samsung Galaxy Note II video ends with "The next big thing is here" makes us confused we though the Samsung Galaxy S III was the next big thing....?

Here are all the imaginings of the video text(video follows):

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Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (II) News: Kanye West, Starzz, Pricing & Promos B/4 Release Dates

Samsung Galaxy Note II NYC

Samsung Galaxy Note II NYCThe Samsung Galaxy Note II is expected be launched in a few days. Samsung is putting its marketing machine into high gear before the New York City star-studded Samsungtravaganza on Wednesday October 24.

Kanye West will be performing and fans are invited to enter a contest for a chance to attend the event. Also featured will be Tommy Trash, Hudson Mohawke and DJ craze.  So far, details are sparse, just an announcement on the Samsung Facebook page. Also at the event will be Chupis Starzz.

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LG Intuition vs Droid RAZR HD - Optimus of VZW Phablets 4 Now?

LG Intuition

LG IntuitionWhat's bigger than a Droid RAZR HD but smaller than the iPad? The LG Intuition.

The LG Intuition was released on Verizon Wireless in September and is considered a phablet while the Droid RAZR HD is more of large smartphone. Since we have not heard, yet if Verizon will offer the LG Optimus G, the LG Intuition may be the only LG phablet, unless of course Verizon released the Nexus 4.

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