Samsung Galaxy S4 (IV) Release 3/14 Date Specs & More

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Samsung LogoSamsung has confirmed that on March 14 it will introduce the next Samsung Galaxy, the Samsung Galaxy S 4 (IV) at a special event in New York City.  Samsung has protected most of the information surrounding this new super smartphone, however, we predict/know that Samsung will have some great things planned to the next generation of the best smartphone of 2012,.

Samsung announced that there have been 213 million Samsung smartphones sold globally and one in three smartphone buyers choose a Samsung smartphones.  When the Samsung Galaxy S IV is announced, expect more compelling reasons to buy Samsung.

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Samsung Galaxy Support 4 Startups with Catalyst Fund

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Samsung LogosSamsung has shown its support for the United States when he donated millions of dollars to help with Superstorm Sandy, now the top smartphone maker will be supporting new businesses in the Silicon Valley.

Samsung has created a $100 million venture capital fund that will invest in startups for remote computing, cyber security, mobility and mobile privacy. The fund called the Samsung Catalyst Fund will seed investments alongside a larger Samsung Venture Fund of $1 billion.

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Samsung Galaxy S Noted 4 100M Sales & S III Delay Explained

Samsung Galaxy Sales

Samsung Galaxy SalesSamsung announced, it has sold over one hundred million Samsung Galaxy S series smartphones.  We now also know why the Samsung Galaxy S III release dates were delayed.

In a period of two years and seven months after its launch in May 2010 the mass total equaled over 100 million of Samsung Galaxy S devices.

For the Samsung Galaxy S III had the fastest sales rate of 30 million in 5 months and 40 million in 7 months. Currently the average is 190,000 units daily. The driving force behind the sales numbers is the Samsung Galaxy S II with over 4o million in sales in 20 months.

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