Samsung Galaxy S 4 and iPhone 5 Buy Signs, BlackBerry Bye-Bye

Galaxy S4 & iPhone 5

Canaccord Analytst Mike Walkley's latest research note still believes in the power of the iPhone 5, likes Samsung and suggests that BlackBerry shareholders get out of Dodge.

He stated that "a very strong initial Samsung Galaxy S4 global launch with Samsung  supplying the Galaxy S4 to over 300 carriers in 155 countries the next several weeks” may help Samsung “extending its leading smartphone market share” in the second quarter, after ending Q1 with 33% share.

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Latest GS 4 & Nokia Ads Add New Meaning to iPhone 5 Old-Fartness

The latest round of let's pick on iPhone 5 commercials, stereotype iPhone owners as old-farts and the advertised smartphone models as being cooler and better. The battle between the Samsung Galaxy S 4 and iPhone is bashed by Nokia and Windows Phone.(videos follow)

The latest Samsung Galaxy S 4 commercial called "Graduation" uses barbecue ribs in ribbing the  iPhone 5 for what it lacks showing Samsung Air Gestures. It also takes pot shots demonstrating Drama Shot, Smartshare/S Beam, and Air View. The Samsung Galaxy S 4 is even given a cool name GS 4, as it is called by Scott.

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More Samsung Galaxy S 4 vs iPhone - Many More Will Buy

The latest smartphone satisfaction and future buying surveys from ChangeWave Research show increased satisfaction and buying intentions for Samsung with a slight decline in iPhone buying. There has been a small increase in interest in BlackBerry.

While first reviews have been mehish for the Samsung Galaxy S 4, consumers are expecting to buy Samsung smartphones more than ever before.

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Samsung Galaxy Bests iPhone Oustells All Others Incl. Nexus 4

Although Samsung's dominance in the smartphone market hasn't hit the major carriers in the United States, yet(AT&T, Sprint & Verizon), it is taken on the world of smartphones with shipments beating all of its closest competitors combined. Samsung also is also the top vendor for all wireless phones, in the world, too. It looks like the Samsung Galaxy in ruling the whole wireless device universe!

Two major reports show how fast Samsung has taken over the smartphone and handset market due to such hits as the Samsung Galaxy S III/Note. They also report that Samsung should continue to dominate the market as long as there are no supply shortages.

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