When you are looking for great deals you have to read the fine print and then you will be amazed at what you'll find. Today, scanning newspaper ads we found some great heretofore unseen deals on the Asus Transformer Pad 16GB and 32GB models.
Everybody loves a quad-core powerhouse tablet especially ones which you snap a keyboard onto and turn into a netbook for an additional $149.99.
Office Depot is taking $100 off the Asus TransformerPad TF300 in blue with 32GB of store reducing the final price to $299 Yup that's close to $300 for a ten inch tablet, a fine deal if you like a big powerhouse tablet, that's cheaper than the highly coveted Asus Transformer Prime from last year. Sold online for in store pick-up, the offer is only valid through 11/24/2012. Other colors are not discounted as much.