Verizon iPhone 5 Sales Grow Profits

iPhone Verizon

iPhone VerizonVerizon Wireless reported record earnings for almost every product including new customers, iPhones and Android smartphones which the company attributes to the Share Everything Data plans.  The most activated smartphone was iPhone with 62.24% of new activations made by Apple.  Meanwhile in general, iPhone 5 demand seems to waning in other reports.

Here are some of the impressive stats:

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Samsung Galaxy S3(III) News: JB Update, Best Seller, Vogued & Deals

Samsung Galaxy S III Covers

Samsung Galaxy S III CoversThe Samsung Galaxy S III continues to sell and gain momentum in the wake of the iPhone 5 launch (read Samsung's comparison or screen comparison). Samsung Galaxy S III news includes, best sales, profits, cases, parties and expected price cutting deals.

T-Mobile announced via its Twitter feed that the Samsung Galaxy S III is T-Mobile's all-time best-selling device, ever.

Samsung announced that the U.S. update for Samsung Galaxy S III is "coming soon" for models at Verizon, AT&T spring, T-Mobile and US Cellular. The only other Samsung Galaxy devices to be updated to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean are the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Sprint VZW) and Galaxy Nexus S 4G.  The Samsung Galaxy S 3 has been updated in some parts of Europe.

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iPhone & Android Apps Taking Over World?

The mobile app market continues to grow quickly. Smart device adoption rates more than four times greater than those witnessed during the 1980s PC revolution and twice as great as those seen during the 1990s Internet boom. Flurry claims apps are  "literally taking over the world" and iOS apps are making the most money.

The most in-app spending is on iPhone/iOS devices from the App Store, Amazon app store is generating a good share of revenue.

The United States continues to be the top ranked app market, however, the rest of world is rapidly closing in, reported Flurry.

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