AT&T: Nokia Lumia 900 Smartphone Gets Girl & Girl Talks Unlimited

AT&T new

AT&T newAT&T is revamping its advertising campaigns refining its motto from Rethink Possible” to the next level with “It’s What You Do With What We Do"  The campaign uses the age-old ways of getting buyers, showing that how the Nokia Lumia 900 helps the guy get the girl and how a girl talks endlessly needing unlimited calling.

The Nokia Lumia 900 was launched, yesterday with the claim that the smartphone beta test is over . It sells for $99.99 with a contract from AT&T

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Unlimited 3G Verizon Data Hogs Throughput Reduced for Network Optimization

Network Optimization

Network OptimizationIn February, Verizon began notifying users of the possibility that heavy-data users on 3G unlimited plans may have  data speeds limited.  Last month, Verizon customers received notices in their wireless bills.  Recently, Verizon Wireless published a network optimization page to explain its policies which lead some bloggers to report that Verizon was, throttling data hogs.

"Verizon Wireless will not throttle data," said Verizon spokesman ,Jeffrey Nelson, "Throttling is when data throughput is reduced for the rest of the billing period.  When cell towers are congested, some 3G data customers who have used over 2GB of data will notice the slowing of data during busy times."

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