Most Read Top Wireless and Mobile News Stories this Week in Review:
This week has been a week for the Samsung Galaxy S3, deals, ICS updates, leaks, bans and reviews.
Here are the top WiMo News stories for the week of 7/01-7/08/2012:
- The Samsung Galaxy S3 is already showing signs of glitches that need fixes, but updates are one the way, while it makes pop-up appearances all over the country.
- You can get a free health app for the Samsung Galaxy S3 that has name recognition greater than the iPhone.
- The Verizon’s Share Everything 4G LTE Plans, can cost a family their sanity when the data-hog eats up the data. All the family really shares is the precious data, that can very costly. We found ways at all costs to keep the unlimited data plan and where to get a deal used top model Verizon compatible smartphones.
- The Samsung Galaxy S3 (S III) is so big even basket ball players can use it to share their shots with big shots.,
- The SG S3 is supposed understand you, but it didn't understand that preorders were tired of waiting.
- We noted that Samsung Galaxy Notes will have a second generation and come from T-Mobile, too.
- What flavor Android is sweeter Jellly Bean (4.1) or Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) ICS? we looked at the features of the future.
- Whoops the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Nixed 4 but not the Samsung Galaxy S3 because well its selling and looking like iPhones...
- Not surprizinglying our Samsung Galaxy S III (S3) Review of Reviews was the most popular review and we haven't rounded-up the United States reviews, yet.
- We compared the Samsung Galaxy vs New iPhone 5 Review.
- The latest smartphones available besides the SG S3 are the Droid Incredible 4G LTE and HTC One V.