Kids & Teens want iPad, iPods, iPhones & Computers 4 Holiday Gifts

Kids Want iOS

Kids Want iOSDear iSanta, most 6-12 children write, please give me an iPad this year!. Or more accurately according to the latest Nielsen study they'll be asking for iOS gadgets for the next six months in high numbers.

This year the desire for iPads is up to 48% over last year's 44% noted Nielsen research that also found that American kids age 6 to 12 want more iOS gadgets than consumer electronics or gaming devices.

After the iPad, kids(6-12) want a Nintendo Wii U (39%) followed by the iPod Touch ( 36%) and iPad mini (36%), iPhone ( 33%) and computer(31%). Click on chart to see it larger. The next most popular items are gaming devices.

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iPad mini on Sale 2 Day, Sprint, AT&T & Verizon Sold-Out - How Get Best Deal

iPad Mini
iPad Mini
iPad Mini

Today the iPad mini with 4G LTE cellular data goes on sale at Sprint, AT&T and Verizon, getting one may take some effort.  If you wait until Thanksgiving and Friday, you may be able to get slightly better deal for Wi-Fi versions.

AT&T is offering $100 off the iPad mini with a two year data contract with shipping in seven to fourteen business days.

Verizon Wireless offers the iPad mini without a contract with shipping by November 19 for black models and white models shipping by November 21. The iPad mini is not available in Verizon stores, yet..

Meanwhile, Sprint is not offering the iPad mini online with a limited quantity at Sprint stores.  Apple stores are not carrying 4G LTE iPads at all, but you can order them online with shipping in two weeks.

Already in limited supply, you may ask how do you get an iPad mini?

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